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HR Insights: Understanding FMLA Leave for Mental Health Conditions

Understanding FMLA Leave for Mental Health Conditions

Mental health is a growing concern in the workplace. Over the past few years, many employees have experienced mental health issues, such as burnout, depression, anxiety and substance misuse. Employers have responded by expanding mental  health benefits, including adding mental health programs, increasing schedule flexibility, offering telemedicine options for mental health and providing more mental health education. Despite the amplified focus on mental health, employees’ mental health issues are still commonly overlooked, especially since they may not be as readily apparent as physical ailments. 然而,在现实中,员工有时可能因为心理健康问题而无法工作. 

While employers pursue various ways to support employees struggling with mental health issues, 同样重要的是,要意识到并根据《梅高美集团4858》提供适当的休假。. The U.S. 美国劳工部(DOL)最近发布了一份美高美集团4688雇员因自己或家庭成员的精神健康状况而使用FMLA休假的能力的情况说明书. This article provides an overview of the FMLA, the DOL’s guidance, FMLA为有心理健康问题的员工提供帮助,以及雇主支持员工的方式.  

FMLA Overview

FMLA为受保雇主的符合条件的雇员因其自身或家庭成员的严重健康状况而提供工作保护假. To be eligible, an employee must: 

  • Work for a covered employer
  • Have worked for the covered employer for at least 12 months
  • Have worked at least 1,250 hours for the covered employer during the 12 months prior to leave
  • 在75英里半径范围内雇主至少有50名员工的工作地点工作 

The FMLA provides eligible employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave, which may be taken continuously or intermittently. An employer must maintain the employee’s group health benefits while on leave. Upon return, the employee must be restored to the same or equivalent job, meaning similar pay and responsibilities.

Leave for Mental Health Conditions

Eligible employees may take FMLA leave to address mental health conditions. Under the FMLA, 如果心理健康状况需要住院治疗或由卫生保健提供者持续治疗,则被认为是严重的健康状况. 

  • Inpatient care-严重的精神健康状况,需要住院治疗,包括在医院或其他医疗机构过夜, such as a treatment center for addiction or eating disorders. 
  • Continuing treatment-需要卫生保健提供者持续治疗的严重精神健康状况,包括: 
    • 使个人连续三天以上丧失行为能力并需要持续治疗的情况, 与卫生保健提供者多次预约或一次预约和后续护理. 
    • 慢性疾病,导致个人偶尔丧失行为能力,每年至少需要两次医疗保健提供者的治疗. 

一些精神健康状况同时满足"残疾"和"严重健康状况"的定义.” Under the FMLA, 残疾是一种精神上或身体上的损害,严重限制了一种或多种主要的生活活动. FMLA根据美国残疾人法案(ADA)的平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)规定来定义和确定某种情况是否属于残疾. According to the EEOC, “应该很容易得出结论”为“实质性限制”的情况包括重度抑郁症, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia. 如果周期性疾病严重限制了活动时的主要活动,则视为残疾.

雇主可以要求雇员提交医疗保健提供者出具的证明,以证明他们需要休FMLA假. While the certificate does not require a diagnosis, the information provided must be sufficient to support the need for leave.

Family Member With a Mental Health Condition

The FMLA permits eligible employees to take leave to provide care for a spouse, 由于精神健康状况而不能工作或从事其他正常日常活动的子女或父母. 为患有严重健康状况的家庭成员提供心理安慰和保证,使其接受住院或家庭护理,属于《美高美集团4688》的范围. 

为照顾有严重健康状况的儿童而休的产假一般限于照顾18岁以下的儿童. However, 如果成年子女由于精神或身体残疾而无法自理,则父母可以利用家庭劳动假照顾有严重健康状况需要照顾的18岁及以上子女. The disability does not need to have occurred or been diagnosed before the age of 18; it may start at any age. 

Employers’ Duty of Confidentiality

FMLA要求雇主对雇员的医疗记录保密,并将其与常规人事档案分开保存. 雇主还必须按照其他法律的要求对雇员记录进行保密, such as the ADA or the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. However, 雇主可以通知主管和经理员工需要休假,或者如果员工需要工作限制或住宿.

Employees Are Protected from Retaliation

Employers are prohibited from interfering with, restraining or denying an employee’s exercise—or attempt to exercise— any FMLA right. 这包括拒绝允许员工休FMLA假,或者披露——或威胁披露——员工或其家人的精神状况,以阻止他们休FMLA假. 

Employers Can Support Their Employees

雇主可以通过认识到员工的行为在工作中造成困难或担忧的情况来支持与精神健康状况作斗争的员工. 雇主可以培训经理,让他们认识到员工何时可能因为精神健康问题需要休假. By speaking to that employee, 雇主可以确定任何可能有助于雇员完成工作或管理其心理健康的援助. In some cases, an employer may be obligated to treat an employee’s behavior as a request for FMLA leave.


By understanding FMLA requirements for mental health conditions, employers can better support their workforce and avoid potential violations. In many situations, employees may be entitled to protections under other federal employment laws, state family and medical leave laws and collective bargaining agreements. Accordingly, 鼓励雇主与雇佣律师讨论任何与fmla相关的具体问题. For more compliance resources, contact Texas Medical Group. 

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